Sunday, November 21, 2010


this past week we had to put to sleep two of our plants; the twins: island john and steve.  they couldn't bare the harsh winter here.  it was tough on both of us, seeing them struggle and having to place them in plastic bags and lay them to rest.

in more recent news we have been blessed with more "children".  by no means are these replacements "children", but they are a little more fun to be around; dwarf hampsters.

the white one is the one ryan picked out.  ryan named him ritalin.  he has so much energy and endurance.  the yellow/orange one is the one i picked out.  i named him power ranger.  he is the complete opposite of ritalin.  he loves to sleep, and can fall asleep anywhere.  he also stores food in his mouth and when we let him out to run around, 10 minutes later we usually find him eating one of his pieces of food that he carried with him from the cage.

we got these little plastic toys for them to run around in.  it's nice to place them in their toys while we make dinner, do laundry and clean, because we don't have to worry about them.

here is power ranger, just completely exhausted from running round in the little fort we made them.  he passed out in the darkest and most compact corner he could find.

meanwhile ritilin has the most energy ever...

1 comment:

  1. aw. sorry about your plants, but welcome to the hamster world :)
