Wednesday, January 25, 2012

winter reads

being back in korea means more time for reading.  because i don't have a car, my main means of transportation is the amazing subway system in korea.  i actually like the feeling of not worry about a car; filling up gas, checking oil, wondering what "that sound" is.  i also love it because it means i get to catch up on my reading.  

it's such a relaxing feeling to be able sit down on a heated seat, (if i get lucky enough to snag an open spot before an old man pushes me down to try to beat me to it), set my purse on the ground, open up my book and let my mind wonder into another world.

i am currently reading the book thief.  so far i think it is wonderful.  it's one of those books that has amazing sentences ever-so-often that cause me to stop, go back and read that sentence three more times until it has fully resonated because it is so beautiful.  

"he remained shrouded in his uniform as the graying light arm-wrestled the sky."  the book thief

"... she would watch the sky... usually it was like spillage- cold and heavy, slippery and gray- but once in a while some stars had the nerve to rise and float, if only for a few minutes.  on those nights, she would stay a little longer and wait."  the book thief

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