Monday, May 21, 2012

continued relaxation

it wouldn't be the most relaxing vacation we have been on without massages.  we loaded up on daily massages while in bali.  there was one massage that was by far our favorite ever.  it was a two-hour couples massage.  to break it down, it was a 1-hour full-body massage followed by a cream bath and herbal scrub, and then a 30 minute soak in a big tub full of jasmine and flower petals.  during our soak we were served fresh fruits and herbal teas.

the grand total of this massage was the equivalent of $15 each!

later on that night we attended a balinese traditional celebration dance.  we saw 6 different dances performed, each one representing some balinese history.  one dance was about the king and his secret desire for a younger woman in the palace who was not interested in him.

all the dances were beautiful and creepy at the same time.  the reason they were creepy is because every dancer stares at the crowd wide-eyed.  meanwhile their eyes shift left and right with the tempo of the music and sometimes their facial expression changes from a creepy half-smile to a concerned and scared face when their eyes shift.  they also are able to move their pinkies side to side very fast with the music.  it was very entertaining.


  1. But afterward you went home and tried to shift your eyes and move your fingers, didn't you?

    I did.

  2. yes, i still try to dance like them all the time.
